Welcome to Communities and Postal Workers United

Communities and Postal Workers United is a national grassroots network of local coalitions and activists committed to direct action to save the U.S. Postal Service from service cuts, plant and office closures, Union-busting, and privatization.

We fight to preserve living-wage jobs, expand postal services, and save the postal service as a public entity operating in the best interests of the residents it serves.

We call on communities, small businesses, and postal workers across the nation to join together now to save America’s postal service.
CPWU News: Summer 2024
Adobe Acrobat document [807.3 KB]
Join the Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service!
LIST OF 75.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [287.6 KB]

Join Us

We are dedicated to communication, organizing, and activism by postal workers and the communities they serve to preserve and expand a publicly owned, unionized, and democratically accountable postal service.


If you would like to find out more, please contact us:


  Communities & Postal

       Workers United

    5530 NE 7th #9

    Portland, OR 97211


Phone: (503) 752- 5112

Email: cpwunited1@gmail.com

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Many thanks to Tom and Robert T. Dodge for creating the materials on this site. © Communities and Postal Workers United